Silly little thing that you are, boy.
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
Silly is a normal thing.
Silly little thing that you are, boy.
Hi people! I decided to start blogging again! Hahahahaha
Quick updates here, so now I'm living in Jakarta after I graduated last year. I work in advertising agency called DDB as knowledge officer to support the brand planners. Well i don't think i will explain more about it. Anyway, since I'm getting crazy to face the crazy-hectic-chaotic Jakarta, so I decided to get some fun in my blog again! Hehe.
A lot of things happened on this year, and I will say "Ciao panic!"
Catch ya later!
Minggu, 17 Januari 2010
New Year, New Life
Hi there! Happy New Year!
How are you? I can say now that my life lately seems weird. Well, i dont know which part that makes me felt that way, but i think its because of lots of things just happended and its too chaotic, its between my academic life, personal life, my attitude lately, my point of view, and many more.
And so i felt so terribly bad. Unsatisfied in many things, in some part of my life. I lost my career orentiation. My thesis was hard enough. And i felt like i lost myself. My identity indeed. I even start to asked myself “Who is me?” “What kind of person actually are you, tin?”. Sigh. All i can say know, what i’ve just tell you above is too pathetic :(
Then? Whats next? What i have to do? day i ever thought i would start over everything in my life. Then the next question was “HOW?”. I i thought about something. A hard one in entire of my life. Man, this is not easy. Its like a big promise, for me, and God. But i put a big hope for this. And suddenly i felt very sure for this. So i bet you will ask whats that? Haha..
But i will not tell what is that now. Hehe. Because actually i’ve decided the other thing relation with my pathetic bla bla bla life, haha. CREATE A NEW BLOG FOR MY NEW LIFE. So i’ll tell you latter ;)
Ah, one of my friend said ‘you dont have to delete your blog, just make a new one, your old blog will gonna be a part of your life story’ Oh, really nice. And so true. So, im gonna make a new one! see you again. In my new blog, new life, and new me! Hahaa
Thanks for comin dear all. Thanks for left some comments! Really makes my life! Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu minna-san!! :D
Kisess and hugs from me
Ah ya, i will tell you the new blog address soon, thanks!