Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

Let me introduce you, Gisa, my new friend..

I've been waiting for this. To have my own -cute character-! I made it! Her name is Gisa. She loves fashion very much (just like me =D). She will dressed as she like. Just wear it! If you love it, then wear it! "It's just fun!!", she said.

I will make some stuff from this character. Just wait and see =D

So, this is my GISA LOVES TO WEAR

And this will become her first stuff! Greeting cards! Woohooo! FYI, Gisa loves to send greeting cards to her friends on some occations. "It's just fun!". Well, she always say this words to me. Hahaha. I know that Gisa..hihii

Becomes curly!

When i have a long hair, it becomes curly!

Ohoho, i love this. I wanna have a long hair!!

Blurry Crazy

Long time no see.

I have a lot things to do.

Im getting crazy now. Ah, syith.

And i made this. Blurry crazy photos!

Woo hoo!

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Why he let me act stupid

It’s a little bit mellow (mmm,not a lil bit I think). Feel bored for about four days. And today is totally bored! Mata bengak seperti habis ditonjok, pikiran berkecamuk di kepala. Ahh, ternyata memang means a lot yah. Nggak mengira juga saya.

Well. Memang agak sulit menjelaskan apa yang sedang saya rasakan sekarang.


I know that fact.

Not from him.

But from someone.


Feels like..

“What? Lalu maksutnya dia membiarkan saya tidak tahu yang sebenarnya apa ya?”

Let me act stupid for many weeks..

Poor me huh?


Saya kaya orang bego

Merasa seperti dibuat senyaman mungkin



Bukankah lebih baik saya tahu?

So I know what I have to to, act like what

Sometimes merasa biasa saja, sometimes merasa sedih

Saya terus bertanya-tanya “How can??”

Saya sempat berpikir dan sharing dengan seorang teman.

‘How can he did it to me? What the hell is he doing?’

Mengacau di kepala saya..

Dan pada akhirnya,

Saya memilih untuk tetap berpikiran positif.

Mungkin memang beda persepsi saja..

Persepsi saya; saya harus dikasih tau, supaya saya tahu what I have to do. Persepsi dia; akan lebih baik buat saya kalau saya nggak tau.

He let me act stupid?

No, I don’t think so

Because I’m sure he is a nice person (that’s why I like him, hahah)


Again, a story in my life!

Sure I will enjoy it!


Pinasthika 2008. Jagoan-jagoan berkumpul!

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

Am I wrong?


Bikin emosi jiwa

Di hari yang seharusnya menyenangkan

Saya malah dipenuhi letupan emosi

What’s wrong?

Am I wrong?

Lalu apa coba

Hell yeah


Kok jadi aneh?

Ada yang salah?

Emang ada yang salah?





Harus gimana?


“Ok. I’m quit”

Yes I am


(ciao dengan titik, koma nya entah kemana)