Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Selasa, 2008 September 30 - Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Feels and Wants - LET ME ANSWER THIS

1. I do miss him (damn). Lil' bit. (WELL, I HATE HIM NOW!! HELL YOU!! HAHAH)

2. I do love Yamapi from now. (lil bit now, its a euphoria i think, hehe)

3. I want to see KUROSAGI this week!!!!! Hell yeah. (DONE!)

4. I want some, oh no-no, much money!! Much-much-much. (not yet, erggghh)

5. I want to see Denaya. I do miss her so much. How cute is she now?? (she speaks a lot now!)

6. I don't wanna grow up. (i grow up, this year i will be turning..bahh! haha)

7. I hate october. Hate. Hate. Hate (you should love it tin, its time to graduatioonn!)

8. Can't belive i will be turning twenty more-more-more. (yes you are!!)

9. I want a great holiday. (yes you did it with your great friends!)

10. I want a better condition in my family. (i still hope and pray i think..)

11. I want to learn Japanese again. (yes im in! now im still studying in Japan College)

12. I want to FINISH my -so long skripsi- (ON MY WAY! hohoho)

13. I want to go to Japan. Next year!! Hahah (now im still learning japanese, so next year i will work in W+K Japan as a strategic planner. Whooaaaaaa?? thats my DREAM)

14. I want to set up my life. (do it more! good luck!)

15. Now, i want to take a bath. Bauk. Hahah (heh, saya udah mandi kaleeee..hahaha)

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Japanese Class

k o w a g a r i m a s u
(a f r a i d)

Raihan san said "Unko!"

Dito san said "Mumi!"

Gilang san said "Nezumi to Buta!"

Utin san said "NEKO!" (woaaa)

Patria san said "Sakana!" (err, it's true, he is afraid of fish!)

Aldi san said "Gokiburi!"

Dina san said "Samadi Sensei!" (her teacher in school, whoaa)

arigatou ne minna-san!

ja ne!

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

I Called It Big Passion

W+K Tokyo, Japan
i have a BIG passion on it ( i hope i have an experience work in W+K Tokyo)

W+K Tokyo




(I want make it true with some of my great girl friends. Im in. Let's go girlss!!)

So, let's follow our passion..

Ciao panic!

Welcome big passion!

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009


Hari ini sebel banget!

Semua gara-gara kebodohan dan kecerobohan saya!!

Ah, menyebalkaannnn!!

Ada yang pengen saya tonjok lalu saya tendang ke kandang babi?


Good luck for today dear all! (jangan sampe sial kaya sayaa yaa)


Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Oh So Cute Sally!

Yuhuu, this is my final task as an advertising student. I prefer to research about something that I like. This is same with my internship before, when I pushed myself to get a chance work in Dentsu Indonesia. A huge multinational Japan’s advertising agency (im crazy about Japan as you know it, and i want to learn strategic planning from Mr. Janoe from Dentsu!). And I got it. Yeahh.
Hmm, let me called it one of a big satisfaction in my life!

So, on my final task, I’ll do it again, work for something I like. And I love cuteness. Something cute, something unique; the colors, the patterns... And I choose Sour Sally. For me, Sour Sally is one of a few Indonesian brand that play with cuteness for it brand, and it’s awesome. Sour Sally have a great emotional approach, they play with unusual colors, they create a unique atmosphere for their shops, and they have a cute icon too, called Sally! And we can see that all people love Sally, because it’s too cute, and they just wanna play with Sally. So sweet.

Well, FYI, now im trying to be more serious finished my ‘skripsi’. Actually it’s been a long time you know! And yes, I have so many excuse for this, and it’s too bad I think. So, I promise to myself that I have to finished it this year. Wish me well. Ciao. Viva la cuteness!!

Oh so cute Sally!

From now, I promise that I’ll always near you Sally (oh, too sweet!)

An evening

animal print's tops, a shop in Plaza Semanggi, 35.000
jeans skirt, i forget where i buy it..
black stocking, jalan solo, 10.000

white boots, my brother's

long blazer, second hand, 20.000
dress with motifs, second hand, 7500

socks, my sister's
high heels, my mom's

floral dress, second hand, 10.000
vest, my aunt's
socks, my father's
white shoes, my mom's