1. He eventually come back
My Dad and Curly Me ;)
Actually I dont want to tell much about my dad in here. Too bored to story it :(
But I just can say that he is the one that makes me learn about this life so deeply.
I try to hits the points, the lessons for my life. Hurt is always hurt, but life must go on rite?
And i hope he will getting better someday. That will be the greatest thing in my life then :)
Hello dad, im writing about you. And please take your time wisely :)
But I just can say that he is the one that makes me learn about this life so deeply.
I try to hits the points, the lessons for my life. Hurt is always hurt, but life must go on rite?
And i hope he will getting better someday. That will be the greatest thing in my life then :)
Hello dad, im writing about you. And please take your time wisely :)
2. I have a bf
Little Bee Gees (my mom's photos collections) and Blue Bear money savings
Mmh. For me somehow its too pathetic that i still dont get a bf until now.
I think some of my friends will say so, haha. But a friend said to
me that i dont have to feel bad or pathetic, because its just about a time. A true moment.
Hmmh. But sometimes i feel so boring you know, and i keep on
wondering and asking myself how can this happened to me.
Well, i never know what will happen someday
about my love life. And now im cheering up myself and say
"Dont worry, time will save you, tin" then i will say
again "Hurry up, hurry up, i cant wait for" Hahah. Oke, enough for this!
3. I learn illustration better
My Pink Camera sketch that i made for Go Girl Gadget Holiday Project
When i was in kindergarten and in early grade of elementary,
when people asked me what i want to be,
when people asked me what i want to be,
i answered "I want to be a painter! Illustrator!". And so i used to be friendly with pencil,
crayons, and paper, almost everyday! Then this desire changed time after time, just like the
other children, 'i want to be a doctor, but when they grew up, i want to be a pilot, then
grew up again, i think i want to be an architect' Haha. Well, oke. I think being an illustrator
is just great, play with sketch, pattern, coloring. And i'll choose fashion illustrator maybe.
Hmmh, if only i keep on practise to make illustrations..
crayons, and paper, almost everyday! Then this desire changed time after time, just like the
other children, 'i want to be a doctor, but when they grew up, i want to be a pilot, then
grew up again, i think i want to be an architect' Haha. Well, oke. I think being an illustrator
is just great, play with sketch, pattern, coloring. And i'll choose fashion illustrator maybe.
Hmmh, if only i keep on practise to make illustrations..
4. Polaroid's Paper still exsit
Waw! This will be awsome. I can experience my day, a day by day. Time by time. Place to
another place, of course with Polaroid!
Oh yea, ive got this polaroid camera 3 years ago in Pasar Baru, Jakarta.
This priced 250.000 rupiah! But sadly i could'nt found the paper. Then after that, i tried
to googling and found a fact that the factory, the producer of the paper was already closed.
Maybe in other countries the paper's stock still exist, but not in Indonesia!
Thats too bad :(
another place, of course with Polaroid!
Oh yea, ive got this polaroid camera 3 years ago in Pasar Baru, Jakarta.
This priced 250.000 rupiah! But sadly i could'nt found the paper. Then after that, i tried
to googling and found a fact that the factory, the producer of the paper was already closed.
Maybe in other countries the paper's stock still exist, but not in Indonesia!
Thats too bad :(
PS :
I put some of my old picture then i made it with polaroid style. Thank you Poladroid, for the polaroid effect ;) heart it so much. But if only the factory..huhuu. Stop!
Hahaa. Oke then. Thank you for reading. Please enjoy your day, your time, and your life :)