Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Hectic and A Prize


Sudah lama sekali ngga nge blog. Yayaya..memang agak hectic, mulai dari bulan puasa, hari raya lebara, dan setelahnya, bahkan sampai sekarang -_-

Many things to do, sampe keteteraann..huhuhu. Let me tell you something ya'll..

Life kinda weird lately, earth seems angry too

My project messy..berantaakkan kan kan..tersendat sendatt..hufff

Thats bad news..

And the good news, I won Go Girl holiday project. I made camera case. I'll show you the picture ;) and ive got Samsung media player, its touch screen with cute color, pink ;)


Dan sekarang, waktunya untuk fokus pada setidaknya dua hal. Skripsi dan proyek bersama teman-teman.

I havent lot of words to say, because actually now im in a hurry too :(

Yippi Yippi

Im starting my new life, new plan, new energy, new things. Come on. I want to make it all better and great!

One fact, now im tweets all the time! LOL!!! (so you know why i never update my blog :p)

So, here is, the camera case, and the prize. Well, i forget to scann the magazine :(

The camera case i made :))

The prize!! Cute euh?!! Thanks Go Girl! ;)

HAVE A NICE WEEKEND ALL!! see you soon :)

2 komentar:

Sha2 mengatakan...

Woww...what a great handmade u've made Tin,,and the mp3 player seems awesome!

*Aku baru aja blogwalking dan tau-2 nemu blogmu. Keep up the good work!;)

Utin mengatakan...


its you, sha ;)

thanks for your comment, and your coming ;)